Senin, 09 Januari 2023

Proud Mom

 Yess im a proud mom

Tulisan hari ini saya persembahkan untuk ketiga anakku Pupu,Pampam dan popay karena sudah bekerjasama dengan baik selama ibadah umroh 

Untuk abang Pupu, terimakasih nak sudah jadi abang yang bertanggung jawab bahkan di luar expetasi bunda,. Abang dengan sigap membantu bunda mengurus adik2,manyiapkan dan membereskan perintilan yg bahkan bunda sendiri sering lupa dan yang paling bikin bunda bangga abang sampai bisa mengurus bunda saat bunda sakit,. Maafkan bunda masih sering emosi dan marah2 sama abang dan sering meminta abang lebih dan lebih lagi semoga semua itu menjadi pengalaman untuk abang dan abang bisa mengambil hikmah nya

Untuk aa pampam, terimakasih juga nak sudah menjaga barang2 kamu sendiri, semoga kedepan kamu bisa semakin bertanggung jawab dan lebih dewasa tapi bunda juga bangga sama kamu karena bisa menjaga bunda dan merawat bunda saat bunda sakit

Untuk adik popay, walau kamu anak paling kecil tapi kamu menunjukan kalau kamu mampu dan bisa beradaptasi dan mengikuti semua acara dengan baik kamu juga mampu menjaga barang2 dan walau bunda tau kamu cape kamu juga masih bisa pijit2 bunda dengan tangan kecilmu ketika bunda sakit.

Terimakasih anak2ku karena sudah pintar dan belajar bertanggung jawab,saling membantu dan menjaga selama diperjalanan

In shaa allah masih banyak perjalanan kita berikutnya menanti, stay tune kiddos  

Jeddah, 11 januari 2023


Sabtu, 07 Januari 2023

I'm (not) super women

When you traveling with family and must take care of three kids and one husband you must keep strong eventhough you feel not so well

After 8days traveling in cold weather i feeling little dizzy but i know i cant, becouse who's gonna take care the boys 

The clothes,the food,the other things in this entire room look like no space for walk 

Imagine tonight i must pack 10suitcase just make me wish i have a harry potter magic wand

Dear Allah please gave me Strength to packed them all and please gave me health so i can take care my boys


Jumat, 06 Januari 2023


 There is no opportunity for the second change, so when you have that moment  just go for it belive it and get it

Never you un confident with your self, never say that you cant or maybe latter its a BIG NO 

Belive it  to Allah if Allah give you a change it's may be the best for you

Just follow the line

Its better trying and lose and trying again than you never have trying

Kamis, 05 Januari 2023

First child

My son told me it's so hard to be first son, to many responsibility and demand for him
if i drag the time maybe i to push him to much to be  good example for his brother 

Im sorry honey, i just want you to be a good leader,a good brother and a good kids becouse you'll be a Leader in this family,you'll lead your brother in good way and takecare of me when i was growold 

honestly i owe you so much for your childhood but i hope someday you'll be understand all i do is just for you and your bright future 

You must know that i love you so much no matter what and you'll always be my baby forever no matter how old are you

You always be my russel
You always be my avatar
You always be my baby,baby,baby oooh... 

Rabu, 04 Januari 2023

Patience and test

 Day 4 of writing challenge 

Sometimes test is not equal with patience (we think) becouse we all still human and we cannot know what Allah gives us but we must belive that allah scanario is the best 

I know its hard to do only easy to say but just trust your self that you can skip all the think that you think is not good 

Silent is better than loud (for me) just pray for the bad people to us let Allah give them appropriate reply

Sometimes crying is the best way, cry in the middle of the night,speak to Allah from the heart and let Allah do the rest

Why i write this becouse at this time i see the injustice in front of me but i cannot do anything just pray hope she's strong and can get out from the trouble and be patience 

For you and all the people who have the problem.. i know you can past the problem, just be patience let time heal you


Mecca to Madinah

Selasa, 03 Januari 2023


 Day 3 of 30days writing challenge 


4 huruf yg berdampak besar 

Mimpi besar,usaha dan doa yang di gabung menjadi satu

Beberapa tahun lalu saya bermimpi bisa membawa anak2 ke tanah suci, alhamdulillah dengan Niat yg tulus iklas Allah swt kabulkan 

Saya percaya niat yang baik in shaa allah akan Allah kabulkan jika sudah waktunya 

Contoh kecil baru saja terjadi, saat tawaf bersama anak2 sebelum berangkat anak2 bilang ingin sekali pegang kabah 

Lalu ayahnya bilang,niatkan dalam hati nak,minta sama allah

Lalu masya allah tabarakallah Allah mudahkan anak2 untuk memegang hijr ismail,kabah,pintu kabah bahkan berdoa di bawah pancuran emas 

Anak2 hanya meminta satu, memegang kabah, tapi Allah maha baik, Dia kasih kesempatan kepada anak2 merasakan nikmat nya tawaf dan di berikan kesempatan mendapatkan melebihi yang diminta

Ya sama seperti menulis ini, saya niatkan untuk mengeluarkan ide2 atau cerita ataupun berbagi pengalaman melalui tulisan 

Semoga ada yg bermanfaat dan menjadi amal jariah bagi saya nantinya jikalau ada yg tidak suka atau terluka dengan tulisan saya semoga Allah maafkan saya 

Yuks mari kita Niatkan segala sesuatu yang baik, jangan hanya mimpi kecil, tetapi bermimpi lah besar,minta lah yg banyak dan besar karena Allah maha kaya dan maha baik dan maha pemberi

Niat yang baik

Usaha yang giat

Doa yang banyak

In shaa Allah dimudahkan segalanya 

Minggu, 01 Januari 2023


 As a mother with three boys 16Y, 10Y and 8Y aah i'm forgot plus 1 adult boys (my husband, lol)  is not always easy to take care of them

So today as my 2nd day challenge to write i want to share about Women

As a wife and a mother were must be tired but you know what after all the trouble is always have a rainbow

I know there a big reward from Allah swt if we take care our family, but  please respect us for all we have done 

Yess we need some priase

Yess we need some present

But beside that all we need is cooperation 

Yess cooperation, a simple word but not all people understand the meaning, sometimes if we have done for cook, please help us to cleaning, if we have done to prapare the clothes, please help us to take a bath the kids and other simple things 

We know that all man maybe tired with all the work in the office but although we only stay at home doesnt mean we only watch netflix, we also work from our eyes open till close without day off, cant you imagine that

So lets we give respect for all the mother,all the wife and all the women who have take care of us from we born

Respect your mother

Respect your wife

Respect all the people who have help you no matter what becouse only with our respect they already happy

As simple as that